A group user test was done planned to set up zoom audio to go through MAX MC(multitrack) to allow us to have individual voice sound transformation moment. Fortunately the routing happened in the last 5 minutes (damn, check that audio sharingggg) and we experienced a playground moment where Ellen thinks it is liberating about this altered voice space, making it a voice stretch space and see how far she can push it 😀 Andrew brought up the silence when the other user is testing and the effect makes on the interactivity within the space. 

group user testing MAX MC setting final
group user testing MAX MC setting final

Going back to the video, without sharing audio initially so both guests wouldn’t be able to experience their voice change. Looking back to the demonstration by narrating over my refection on thesis feedback meetings, it puts a smile on my face actually. I went on making a speech from 8:00 to 11:30 in the video, as planned, gradually adding to my voice with various effects and adjustment, with the zoom recording, my original voice is played together but it did not stop from hearing the voice change. I noticed my voice speech command changes, also my expression changes with various vocal effects. In particular the effect starting 10:15, with a heavy voice alteration of lower mid to bass tone, I lower my voice to fit to the effect for a period of time. With two audiences around, it feels fun and entertaining when I looked back to the recording.

After my demonstration, Andrew brought up again Laurie Anderson’s O superman again and he shared the voice texture that ignites senses and his memories (thank you Andrew, luckily she is still around!). It’s sure a wonderful piece and the rhythmic singing voice is a great gateway to the song. We went on to an exercise of poem reading with physical circumstances similar to what I understood as Suzuki Method in acting training, to be present with body postures. Ellen was guided to exhaust her single breath to finish below poem until the fifth line with her single leg standing, what a fun session to be! The self meaning making process of manipulating physical condition with a script which I think is something very interesting and make a lot of sense to allowing audience to create their own moment. The second reference Andrew brought up was House of Leaves where rhythm demand and suggestion is offered in pages where typography is size and phrase is played when the plot the house is impossibly larger on the inside than the outside appears. With the tricks, the intention to allow audience to get out of their own voice, sort of.

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.


The the final part, more suggestions was offered by Andrew on harmonized the strong words, maybe land on a major chord. On top of what have discussed, rhythm, language, awareness. Make a music. Wonder.inc was mentioned as well to offer scripted background music score, bringing up an idea of transformation more clearly. One idea could be starting with less original voice with background music and end up with more voice (or harmonized voice) with less background score. Strategically mapped out a cinematic experience with score change. Looking back at the suggestion at this moment I think this is just fantastic. I truly appreciate his feedbacks, there are so many thing to learn and go back to just like this journal.


class feedback 4/23

Experiment #1, p5 sketch

  • it feels like a playground to me, it’s a fun
  • wasn’t sure if I should read the text, but while goofing and keep recording myself.
  • Stretching around and voice exercise, freedom to play and hearing different 
  • don’t know when it’s recording, while I am writing this feedback, I heard my zoom recorded sound play back from Hayden’s laptop and it sounds so different.
  • it definitely really like to hear my voice talking back to me, that’s the effective. ml5 face adds to it, and i like the lips
  • it’s quite fun, maybe a ui is needed, instruction, what to do? what to do with the scripts? will the work response to my spoken words? -> command the work by voice ui
  • can we hearing different people saying the same word for example? was expecting hearing voice playback with different effect

Experiment #2, MAX MC (for the changed voice- i didn’t have time to give them control over the voice change, while only sharing the recording)

  • not sure how a computerized voice is related to my thesis, for the first one you hear your crapy voice and for this one, it could be interested to tweak play with the tone of your voice to make it to sound like how you hear from your brain or your mind 
  • the computerized voice is quite separated with your own voice
  • normal – higher pitch – funny experiment – options to manipulate