Here goes with my dream review:

dream review....?
dream review….?

The work Po-Wen Shih recently presented to the public reveals our senses of self toward our body. Titled ___, it examined the relationship between us and our body, with the idea as our body is bigger than us, our soul, our mind and our consciousness. It is the reality yet to be explored. Our subjective attachment and critique to our body is reversed in this work. Through a series of experimentations that ___ bridges us into a space where our body lead us, confront us, interrogate us as we were owned by our bodies.

album review
album review

After watched Other Music documentary yesterday. And now watching the second time because of the three day 12 dollar rent. I decided to write a similar hand written sign by the curator in a music record store.


Link and my response to its claims/insights of selected academic researches:

3/2 voice-confrontation AND resonance AND psychology:

Although I was still at the stage of collecting adjacent topics around perception of sound however below selected researches shows a broader perceptive of how sound, sound design are important to our daily life. The accessibility of sound in the environment, gender in sound design are something intrigues me a lot and I will hope to research a bit more. Below is my mind mapping I created after tapped into the four researches at the intuitive level.


sketch mind mapping
sketch mind mapping

Embodied cognition and the magical future of interaction design

The theory of embodied cognition can provide HCI practitioners and theorists with new ideas about interaction and new principles for better designs. I support this claim with four ideas about cognition: (1) interacting with tools changes the way we think and perceive — tools, when manipulated, are soon absorbed into the body schema, and this absorption leads to fundamental changes in the way we perceive and conceive of our environments; (2) we think with our bodies not just with our brains; (3) we know more by doing than by seeing — there are times when physically performing an activity is better than watching someone else perform the activity, even though our motor resonance system fires strongly during other person observation; (4) there are times when we literally think with things. These four ideas have major implications for interaction design, especially the design of tangible, physical, context aware, and telepresence systems.

Gender Ambiguous, not Genderless: Designing Gender in Voice User Interfaces (VUIs) with Sensitivity

In 2019, UNESCO’s report [36] highlighting sexism, and the release of ‘Q The genderless voice'[38] 1, triggered a waking-up to issues of gender in voice assistants. However, there is a danger that their coincidental timing implies that the latter is the solution to the former; that a voice assistant with a genderless voice cannot be sexist. This paper outlines how gender is not inherent in voice – listeners assign gender to voice. Also, this paper highlights that gender is constructed through a multitude of resources. Thus, a genderless voice is redundant if other elements of the voice assistant’s design cause it to be gendered. I posit two take-homes; i) a change of terminology to gender ambiguous will help reframe how we think about gender in voice assistants, and ii) that we should critically engage with all potentially gendering elements in the design of voice assistants, not just the voice, in order to consider gender in a more sensitive manner.

The Influence of Mental State on Vocal Music Learning

The art of vocal music is from physiology, psychology and other disciplines of physics and art disciplines combination and become, in the process of vocal music learning and singing, the singing of psychological factors play a decisive role. The study of vocal music is different from other disciplines. The common adverse psychological state of vocal learning and singing psychology, singing psychology, role relationship and good mental state training these aspects, is a very good guide for the common psychological problems of learning vocal music in our daily, while the vocal music is also of great significance. In order to cultivate good singing psychology, we should strengthen our skills practice in vocal music learning, take part in the stage practice, exercise, and improve their artistic accomplishment. In the process of singing, play their own subjective initiative, adjust their singing status, conscious of their psychological training. Through their own efforts, step by step learning, so that their high efficiency, high quality to complete the task of learning.

The Role of Agency in Ludoacoustic Immersion: Experiencing Recorded Sound and Music in Situational Context

In sound-fx and music, expressive artifacts of the recording contribute to forming expectations on how an object (sound source) is interacting with an environment (room) while also accounting for the associated resonances occurring in that object. By switching attentional focus between action and resonance in object and environment as a result of comparing expectations to incoming stimuli, the context of a virtual situation is simulated by referencing to syntax of body-object-environment interaction. This virtual syntax may be partially projected onto the situational context of the user, leading to antecedents of immersion that depend on emotional arousal and personality traits of the listener. After having outlined a conceptual framework describing the mediation and agency detection of sonic expression within the acoustic properties of situational contexts, the paper provides an outlook on how these agents may be translated to meaningful structures that are yet to be studied in video games.