WHAT IS YOUR THESIS QUESTION? (approx 2-3 sentences)

In order to give your project depth and rigor it is helpful to frame the idea you are exploring as a research question. What is the central question, problem statement, or area of inquiry that you will try to investigate and answer/address? What is the significance of the question? Why does it matter and to whom? Here are some guiding principles we have found helpful in working through your question:

  1. Is it something that you are genuinely interested and curious about?
  2. Is it broad enough that it doesn’t allow for simple factual answers (yes/no responses)?
  3. Is it narrow enough that it can be answered/addressed given the available time and resources?


My project is about thinking about the morality judgement behind the behavior of “wearing a mask” and this action creates a sense of division among people with different views. With COVID-19 still unable to end in a short period of time, how can we alleviate these contradictions, agree and insist on wearing mask and finally work together to end the pandemic completely?

I think this question is very broad. It seems to include social science, philosophy, psychology and humanity? And because everyone has different ideas, the answer to this question will be very objective and changeable.

I may still need some help to make this more narrow. At present, the protective measures for wearing masks are being promoted around the world, and it seems like most people have reached a consensus, which is a good background for my study. But I want to try to mobilize people to insist on wearing masks in a more scientific and convincing way, rather than the moral pressure of the majority on the minority.


WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO MAKE? (approx 3-5 sentences)

  • What form will your thesis project take?
  • How does what you plan to make address your Thesis Question?


I want to make an interactive exhibition. Not only show some scientific data and experimental results, I also hope to have some experience games to let the audience experience and stimulate thinking. For example, there are two routes to the exhibition. We welcome visitors who wear masks and those who do not wear masks, but they must be distinguished during the experience, and finally some links will be set up for them to meet again. They can also experience each other’s routes to achieve the effect of empathy.


WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT TO YOU? (approx 3-5 sentences)

  • Why do you want to do this?
  • What is your passion behind this?


Because since the outbreak of COVID-19, I have seen many people quarreling about wearing masks through reality and the Internet. From the racial discrimination against masks in the beginning, to some moral accusations nowadays, this makes me very sad. I think everyone’s purpose should be the same when facing COVID-19. We all need to overcome it, so we need to be considerate and cooperate with each other.



  • What do you envision as the outcome of this project?
  • What do you hope will be the impact of this project?


Although it is impossible to completely stop all conflicts and quarrels, I hope that after people participate with my project, they can rethink whether some conflicts surrounding masks should be continued. And I hope this will make people realize that wearing a mask protects not only themselves but also others. This is what COVID-19 has taught us, we are no longer alone. Our choice may  cause the butterfly effect.


INFLUENCES OR INSPIRATION? (approx 1-2 sentence description accompanying each link)

  • Share at least 10 links to references that directly relate to your project. Discuss their relevance and how you can build upon them in your work. The following categories should be covered in the links you share – projects, publications, persons.
  • Share links to any projects you have already done yourself that you intend to leverage and/or build upon?




OR http://eds.b.ebscohost.com.proxy.library.nyu.edu/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=2&sid=baeaa591-8f6b-4d9f-9642-15d6c8e970d4%40sessionmgr102

The Great Mask Debate: A Debate That Shouldn’t Be a Debate at All – John R. Raymond, Sr., MD

  • Listed the views and experimental data that support or oppose the use of masks to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This article is more supportive of wearing masks.



As the debate over masks escalated into violent behavior. The majority wearing masks and the minority not wearing masks. The minority obeys the majority?




Article introduces the advantages of wearing a mask.




Mask can reduce group infection.




Reasons why people don’t want to wear masks: 1.Trouble with underlying disease 2.Negative emotions brought by masks 3.Resistance to compulsory masks



An Exhibition of 100 Masks Shows Humanity’s Enduring Thirst for Transformation

Relationship between mask & culture.




People against with wearing masks.




Masks and equipment used by people in the past when faced with viruses.




The wearing of masks has become a catalyst for political conflict.




The potential problem of psychological reactance under the atmosphere of COVID-19.



  • What are the key steps necessary to make this project a reality?
  • Are there key benchmarks you will need to meet?
  • What techniques, tools, materials are you planning to use and why?
  • Is there a community, space or audience you will need to access?
  • What further research and/or skill-building will you need to do?


I think the problem that this project focuses on is a worldwide problem, and because each country’s situation and culture are different, it is difficult to completely unify a judgment standard. But I believe that using data to express objective opinions is more convincing. I think I will need a more adequate sample of interviewees to help me improve this question, and have more subjective feelings and thoughts. But to make this project truly complete, I think it still needs a realistic place for me to complete the steps of interaction. I need to use glass to separate the exhibition area with different routes, and also need some sticky soft toy balls that looks similar with the appearance of a COVID virus. (It is used to simulate the impact of the virus attaching to humans and the process of virus transmission between people.) I have considered making it into an online form, but it is difficult to have a strong feeling or association with the realistic behavior of wearing a mask. In addition, I am also trying to add more technology related to the code, such as arduino or something else, I have not yet made a decision.


OPTIONAL QUESTIONS (approx 2-3 sentences each)



I am good at illustration and storytelling. I think I need to know more about exhibition preparation/planning related professional knowledge and how to establish an effective interactive mode with audiences. And I want to know some technologies that can affect the atmosphere, such as lighting, layout, and projection of physical exhibitions.