This week I mainly focus on user experience design and tech. feasibility research.

Monday Ruta helped me to simplify the test journey and technical approach, so I changed the original idea which might be unstable and easily broken for a later test.

Original touchpoints map:

Version for test:

Audio instruction demo for test:

“Make sure the breath collector is under your nose. Accurate data will help you live a more remarkable life. Now let’s experience the miracle of breathing.

Focus your attention on yourself in the mirror. Connect with your inner thoughts and desires. Forget about the company, the neighborhood, the society, the country.

Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly.

Feel the pleasure of capital and consumption all around you, and you will not feel the anger when you are treated unfairly.

Emotions are your obstacles to success. Breathing in and out correctly will quickly reduce the emotions that affect you. Imagine the air flowing through your body and the tiredness of staying up all night will be quickly repaired.

Now, turn the stresses of life into motivation, breathe in and out, focus on yourself, and imagine yourself achieving better work performance, a promotion, and perfect personal life. More self-healing subscription services can ensure more stable long-term success.

Breathe in and out, and imagine the white clouds surrounding you and protecting you. You don’t care about the outside world.”



Version 1, list of consumption, service time, level.

Version 2, ingredients of service.



I have invited two people from different meditation experiences to do the test.

And I realized the primary audiences of this project should be those who are the user of meditation/mindfulness.


Redesign the receipt and audio instruction.

Figure out how to make the fogger works with the mirror version.

A. Screen, Camera, Breathing. (haven’t tested yet, require the experience design)

B. Mirror, Breathing, Fogger. (tested, require breathing, fogger sensor tech)


1:2 model