

Interview questions & results (47 results: 42 Chinese, 2 British, 3 American, need to continue to improve the interviewee group.)

1.  Which platforms do you tend to know about information/news on?

newspaper 5

tv show 19

wechat moments/微信朋友圈 12

public account push 21

SMS subscription 2

weibo/twitter/facebook social mediaplatform 40

website news (e.g. Baidu news百度新闻) 4

tiktok 12

email subscription 1

others 5 (school magazine, public magazine, chats)


2.  What do you think is the least credible information obtained from the following platforms?

newspaper 3

tv show 3

wechat moments/微信朋友圈 27

public account push 14

SMS subscription 11

weibo/twitter/facebook social mediaplatform 12

website news (e.g. Baidu news百度新闻) 28

tiktok 31

email subscription 8

others 1 (public magazine)


3. What types of information you see on the Internet are less credible? Multiple choice questions

latest policies 4

news event 4

public opinion event (civil events not officially confirmed) 36

product promotion 32

medical health 34

entertainment gossip 22


4. What reasons make you think it is less credible? Multiple choice questions

typo 21

exaggerated data 27

information source not cited 33

quote out of imcomplete context 39

publishers purposefully control comments 38

unofficial account 25

low platform credit and reputation 19

platform user audience limitation 15


5. To make sure the accurate and real information spreading, it’s necessary to control the source of transmission?

Yes 45

No 1

I don’t care 1


6. Have you ever experienced that when more information about the news event was reported, your opinion changed?

Yes always 15

Yes occasionally 27

Almost no 5

Completely no 0


7. When your mind changes, what do you think?

embrassed 10

normal, ideas always change 33

my idea won’t change 4


8. What elements will affect your opinion? Multiple choice questions

data analysis 26

opposite comments with more detail provided (舆论反转 public opinion reversal) 25

personal habit 16

research more academical information 24

research more historical background 24

research more event process 42

my friends/relatives’ opinions 3


9. Do you feel anxious about the information you will receive in the future because you have credulously believed in some fake information?

Yes 21

No 5

fine 21




Imitated the 16 personality test and made up a fictitious test of 16 personality types about surfing the Internet, the final aim is to let everyone receive a different Internet Surfing Guide which tells you what elements may affect your opinion the most.

This week tested two types of questions: judge the truth or fiction, judge who has more responsibility


People enjoy it, and they want to know the answer. Some people think that more sensitive topics (race, history) should be avoided, but some people think that these issues need to be taken seriously. (Notes: need to be more humorous)


People don’t want too much reading. For example, the views on domestic violence incidents are easily affected by other factors such as gender rights. I think it is what I expect to get such results.