I definitely feel quite overwhelmed about making a plan for the thesis. I have the feeling we explored quite a lot of things with coding, unity, interaction digital with physical but when I think about doing something right now, it seems that I miss so many skills to do what I have in mind. I feel like freeze as I’m scared to commit to work, to get in a certain direction, and notice halfway or even later that I cannot complete the thesis as I would like to be done. Because of that, my mind seems empty and it scares me even more because time is passing so fast.

I’m highly interested in working with projectors I would be interested in working for media design for theatre, concerts, and other events but this would make it just visual, playing with the perspective, a volume that could be created by a projection on differents wall to create the illusion of 3D and eventually work with a dancer/choregrapher to create a story. This one my main idea but it may not fit a thesis, neither my second idea which was to create a 3d sculpture (paper probably) and project on it different visual depending on the surrounding (detected by different captors for sound or light for example).

After reading in the local data class that was explaining that Pentland a highly influential professor from MIT imagine the end of free will with the use of big data to create his perfect world and the development of the Cancel culture ( for a good or bad reason), I was thinking of maybe using a screen as a mirror of a room, where people inside the room could be partially removed or totally removed by the computer. In a way, it would be like the old vampire story in which the vampire doesn’t reflect in a mirror but here it could be totally random, maybe some people would be seen on screen as multiple thin lines, cut in half or totally absent base on the number of people in the room, maybe some people from a different time could show inside the feed of other based on their space in the screen to avoid the case in which a person would be alone in the room and wouldn’t see herself or just herself without other modification. I imagine those people from another time frame to be like the algorithm, crawler, researchers that check what you are doing all the time without you knowing it by taking all the data you are generating every single second of your life.