• Write about your experience with your midterm presentation and be honest. Did you prepare adequately?
  • What do you need to focus on for the next 5 weeks?
  • Create a production timeline that encompasses the remainder of the Spring semester and the Summer session. Break this down into the following categories and post to thesis journal:
    • Continued research (references, experts, conversations, reflections on previous research)
    • Design & development
    • User testing
    • Iteration & continued production
    • Documentation & presentation



The push to present at this point in time was a helpful exercise both for my own process and to see what my peers are working on.  In responding to the first question – Did I prepare adequately? –  I definitely think I could have been more prepared and clearer with my presentation. However, I dove into what has become a fascinating rabbit hole of research based on advice received during Sara Raza’s presentation. Sara’s prompts have been compelling and helpful as I continue to shape the installation I have proposed.  I have been working on a historical timeline for debate – which is beginning to inform the installation I proposed. One of the notes received on my proposal was to create a user journey – This is still fuzzy in my mind and that vagueness was reflected in my presentation. Gil offered a question that I think was a really important consideration – why would someone want to participate in the installation I am conceiving? This question has given me pause as to the medium I have chosen. Would a “listening room” for my topic be more appropriate for a 3D or virtual space….?  In order to consider this question, I think I need to really comb through my footage and see what scenes I am interested in using.  Gil also suggested that I take a look at this project – The Great Seal as I consider interactivity.


While I am outlining a schedule here, I need to keep in mind what is a feasible balance of work and school during the busiest time of the year for me. I will be putting the actual building and user testing into the schedule for the Summer semester when there is a break from my full-time work schedule.

Spring Semester:

April – May 4th

Continued research and fleshing out the historical timeline I am working on which I might consider developing for the project’s website post-graduation.

I have begun consulting with a sound artist about the sound design and will be creating a schedule of meetings based on his availability in April.

This semester will be devoted to design development.

My goal is to have video and sound samples along with a diagram to present by May 4th

Summer Semester (iteration):

May 24th – June

Continued refining of video clips

Building the set design for the installation

Creating the interactivity components and user testing.