Author: Beth Fileti

Week 1 – Updates

Project Management: I have a rough outline of milestones that I’d like to target. I’m hoping to front-load aggressively, so I can be more reactive and considerate later on. I have some additional outlines about KPIs and criteria in this post.  (Mon. 6/13) Finish data…

Midterm Presentation

Write about your experience with your midterm presentation and be honest. Did you prepare adequately? What do you need to focus on for the next 5 weeks? Reflecting on the midterm presentation, I feel the structure and setup going into this task were not fully…

Week 4 – Dream Review

The beauty in what Beth Fileti has created has to rely on one’s imaginative strength. Describing the work as simply temporary belies the remarkable act of intentional self-implosion that Mrs. Fileti has created. The work in its most fully realized form no longer exists. As…