“Show-A-Thing Feedback Session” Reflection & Next Step.
Last week’s “Show-A-Thing” session give me a lot of feedback & ideas as I expected a lot. Below is the summary of the sessino & my thought for next step. 1. My “Show-A-Thing” PT > MY PT Link Reflecting lots of critic I had…
KPI thoughts & Ideas for my project.
I summarized my last week’s idea progression for KPI in below, after adding some opinion & ideas. A. Standards for KPI : Among all the comment I wrote by myself, BOLD part felt most important for my meaning of thesis. Part 1. Free-writing…
Midterm PT Reflection + Next Timeline
A. Lesson from the midterm presentation. – Key lessons from midterm PT feedback can be summarized like below. 1) OK VR Play, but so what? : Before the PT, I assumed that I need to explain lots of thing about my theme, VR PLAY. But…
Week4. Mood Board & Dream Review
A. Mood Board : This week I focused more on theory research (related ‘Metaverse’, even it’s concluded very unclear concept), I couldn’t develop much about visual idea & concrete examples. So at first I look into my media landscape node again, and add a concept…
Week 4. Metaverse article reading- Matthew Ball’s
The word “metaverse” itself was originated from the novel “Snow Crash” of Neal Stephenson, but it’s very fictional concept (like Matrix world etc) so I needed to find more academic or something close to the level of logical definition about it. But after researching about…
Week3. Idea Sketch & Ideal Experts
This week I focused on my Idea#3, the Metaverse & Play. I found that this is really important theme but also it’s very huge issue across the history of all media & artform. So at first I’m thinking about more broad understanding of media &…
Week1. Path Finding in the maze of miro.
My brainstorming in 1st week was totally “Jack in the wanderland”. I just wandered about many keyword I was interested in Low-res classes until now, but failed to make connection or developing from each of it. Until now I managed well to find & choose…
Allison Parrish
Alexis Sanders
Alice Tang
Beth Fileti
Brian Ho
Cameron Surh
Jack (Hongsuk) Chun
Judy Lieff
M Dougherty
Sarah Hakani
Vince Picone
Stavros Didakis
Danni Wang
Fangling Huang
Lu Song
Ma (Yussef) Hanran
Ke (Marco) Ma
Qianfei (Jackie) Chai
Shengsen (Frost) Ni
Shu Zhang
Sihan (Shaun) Zhou
Xiaoxuan (Amanda) Jiang
Yutian Wang