Author: Paul Chung

Thesis KPI & Timeline Update

KPIs / Goals Output is a valuable and thought provoking experience that communicates the need to regulate AI Qual: Majority of users stop to think about the bias and ML Quant: 7 out of 10 users find the experience valuable and thought-provoking Learn more about…

Week 4

Paper Response Using Digital Media to Interpret Poetry: Spiderman Meets Walt Whitman by Mary B. McVee, Nancy M. Bailey and Lynn E. Shanahan McVee, Bailey, and Shanahan’s primary concerns revolve around the idea of digital epistemology in an educational context, specifically using contemporary technical mediums such…

Week 2: Thesis Explorations

Weekly Experiment This experiment was an exploration of the way different technical mediums and effects affect how we perceive and value words, particularly words as art. I wrote something in the iPhone Notes app, applied an Instagram filter, and added an emoji. There’s an interesting…

Week 1: Brainstorm

I’m still pretty undecided on what direction I’ll go in, but a couple of major threads are pulling at me. The interaction between emerging tech and poetics Poetry is a big interest and hobby of mine, and I’m particularly interested in the immersive aspect of…