Summer Week 1: Defining Success
Successful Milestones The left side of the following table represents my main goals/objectives of my thesis project. The right side represents the ways I would qualitatively and quantitatively measure the success of each of these objectives at the end of the semester. GOALS / OBJECTIVES…
Week 12-13: Show-A-Thing Feedback Sessions
[Late post… apologies.] I got such valuable feedback from the Show-A-Thing Feedback sessions. I was lucky to meet with Heidi Brant, Kate Stevenson, Christopher Wray, and Cezar Mocan – who all were really helpful in giving me advice and encouraging me to think about different…
Week 11: KPIs
Rubric Things I Want Things I Don’t Want Things I’m Okay With A realistic model of a house based on where I grew up An experience too complicated to both build and interact with Users interpreting the experience freely A representation of my family’s experiences…
Week 10: Midterm Presentation & Timeline
Presentation Link can be found HERE. I felt pretty prepared for my presentation. Since I had been thinking and writing about my thesis for weeks at that point, I didn’t have much difficulty in putting the presentation together. I was also able to rehearse a…
Week 9: Prototype & Experts
First SketchUp Prototype Possible Narrative Elements to Add List in progress & subject to change: Clothes, shelves, books, photo albums, family photos on walls and tables, wall decor, magnets on fridge, altar in bedroom, kitchen cabinets with recipes taped to them, mismatched tupperwares/containers, drawer full…
Week 5-8: Thesis Proposal
Links Draft submission Final submission Updates I got a lot of great advice from our class breakout room and one-on-one sessions with Andrew and Enrique. Using their advice, I made the following updates to my thesis proposal: decided I would use Unreal (as opposed to…
Week 4: Research & Mood Board
Research This phase is currently in progress, as I’m having a little trouble finding meaningful sources. Will update shortly. UPDATE: I’ve since decided to tap into the resources that were shared in the Virtual Worlds class. These have been very helpful in expanding my knowledge…
Week 2-3: Experiment, Representation & People
Weekly Experiment – Photo Collage/Sketch I’ve been using Lightroom and Procreate to create “photo doodles” for my 50 Days of Making project, and for this week’s thesis assignment, I followed my 50 Days process and created a collage of pictures I took of my grandma…
Week 1: Brainswarm
Link to Miro board: During our class brainswarm session, I came up with six goals that I feel are important for me to think about as I develop my thesis project. At the bottom of my board, I listed some resources that I could…
Allison Parrish
Alexis Sanders
Alice Tang
Beth Fileti
Brian Ho
Cameron Surh
Jack (Hongsuk) Chun
Judy Lieff
M Dougherty
Sarah Hakani
Vince Picone
Stavros Didakis
Danni Wang
Fangling Huang
Lu Song
Ma (Yussef) Hanran
Ke (Marco) Ma
Qianfei (Jackie) Chai
Shengsen (Frost) Ni
Shu Zhang
Sihan (Shaun) Zhou
Xiaoxuan (Amanda) Jiang
Yutian Wang