Thesis Journal: Show A Thing Show Reflection & Updates
Over the past weeks my project progressed a lot both thematically and format wise. Here is an updated version of my project description and pitch deck: Project Description(Updated Apr 21st) Over the past three years, the pandemic has transformed our lives in so…
Thesis Development – Interview with BeAnotherLab
This notion page is where I keep my progress regarding research and access, HERE Interview with BeAnotherLab(Marte): ——————————————————- Questions&Answers(Paraphrased): What changes when we can be placed as the first person perspective via VR? empathy is all about perspective shifting. There’s something about seeing yourselves presented…
Thesis KPI Journal
What do you want? I want to create a database of 3D scanned homes that explores the living spaces and the people who live in it. What excites you, what terrifies you? The fact the I can collect people’s narrative and store them in…
Thesis Midterm Presentation Reflection
Continued research I think I prepared pretty well for the presentation and was able to present my creative process\research\and experimentation in the brief 5 minutes. I think so far I have obtained some solid research in the medium I’m working with, the next step…
Thesis Journal Wk 4: Research on VRNF
Conduct Research – include academic references, art works, literature, products in the market, anything that you think is part of the ecosystem of what you are working on Pick at least one academic paper, post a link and your response to its claims/insights Create a…
Thesis Wk 3
Weekly experiment This is an audio visual experiment that I did over the week. I’ve been really fascinated with environmental storytelling and how, by setting up a believable environment, we can convey a story without telling a single word. As a storyteller and filmmaker, I…
Thesis Journal Week 1
Here is a my brainswarm that I conducted on Miro on the first day of class. After the brain swarm session, I found that all my topics could in one way or another overlap with each other. Topic-wise, I feel drawn to environmental problems as…
Allison Parrish
Alexis Sanders
Alice Tang
Beth Fileti
Brian Ho
Cameron Surh
Jack (Hongsuk) Chun
Judy Lieff
M Dougherty
Sarah Hakani
Vince Picone
Stavros Didakis
Danni Wang
Fangling Huang
Lu Song
Ma (Yussef) Hanran
Ke (Marco) Ma
Qianfei (Jackie) Chai
Shengsen (Frost) Ni
Shu Zhang
Sihan (Shaun) Zhou
Xiaoxuan (Amanda) Jiang
Yutian Wang