Author: Lu Song

Lu | Summer Update

Stavros and I had a very productive conversation on how to take the best use of the summer session to user test creatively and develop the thesis project week by week. We specifically talked about running some participatory design workshops/design thinking workshops before moving on…

Lu’s KPI Blog

💛 Other personal goals: It will be a fun experience for the users It will include at least one metaphor in the project It will promote story-telling among the users It will have a smooth user-flow of recording emotions It will have a smooth user-flow of…

Lu’s Week 4 Moodboard

Here’s the link to my miro board: Mood board for 3d visual references APP function and characteristics brainstorm notes Thoughts about a reference APP in the market: Zheli – a social media app that uses 3d avatars and promotes genuine communication My thoughts are…

Thesis Journal 01 – Lu

In the first week’s brainstorm activity, I narrowed down my interests to the two big topics: accessibility and 3d immersive experience. In my thesis project, I wish to further develop my skills in 3d modeling while getting a deeper understanding of accessible technology design. I…