Thesis 2022 Journal

Week-1 Journal

As I was clueless about my thesis research topic. Last week, I have chosen a topic that has been my recent interest in the last couple of weeks. I have become really interested in the stock market recently, and I tried to embed this newly…

Tj Wk 1

To start this class I’m thinking about the kinds of projects that are dreamlike. I want my thesis to have longevity. Perhaps this means it’s deployable or created for a larger platform. In any case the people that it engages with will be the most…

I’ve put my thoughts here! There’s still a lot to think through… perhaps I should attempt a 50 days kind of practice with my thesis topic… iterating on each potential topic for a couple days (also like the exercise in Critical Experiences class).

Thesis Ideation Journal 1

Personal topic brainswarming:  Narrowing down what I’m going for in this miro web helped me imagine more moments in my head. I’m thinking about Mexican Identity and conveying that through things like jewlery, textiles, choreography, music, and pinatas, and Fashion pollution connected to trash….

Jesse Yu – Week 1- Possibilities

After attending the life design workshop (for the first time), and after choosing three of my past projects, I see an intrinsic trend. I shall continue that trend. Here’s to Miro board: Here’s the past projects and inspiring projects:  

Week #1 Yusuf Ma

Here is the keynotes of my past workers and inspirational projects: I believe that my senses and experience construct the symbolic system I rely on to understand and construct metaphors.When different fields of knowledge are put into my symbolic system, a new idea emerges,…