Week 01. Project Ideation
After a great, big brainstorming session (documented here), I have a nice range of possible projects. I also can’t seem to stop thinking about the research into Amazon that I began in our Critical Experiences class in the Fall Semester. There is a lot left…
Week 1: Brainstorm
I’m still pretty undecided on what direction I’ll go in, but a couple of major threads are pulling at me. The interaction between emerging tech and poetics Poetry is a big interest and hobby of mine, and I’m particularly interested in the immersive aspect of…
Thesis journal week1–Shaun
After group discussions and feedback on previous projects, the general direction of my thesis topic is the combination of traditional Chinese culture and digital and interaction design,I hope that the whole world can re-understand Chinese culture.
My Topic is about verbal child abuse. The reason I am doing this project is that I experienced verbal abuse when I was a child, and it had huge impact on me, and I know there are lots of people like me out there, no matter…
Here is my brainswarm screenshot, and I am questioning myself what should I do. The question of “what” really reveals what topic and theme I wanna do or research about. Here are three big categories: Bias, in-game, and out-of-game. The bias talks about the social…
Week 1: Thesis brainstorm
The past two semesters have been really difficult for me personally. Making art for school, work, and myself has been a powerful tool for moving forward. I’d like to explore why it was so effective, and what I can do to build on and enhance…
Week 1: Brainswarm
Link to Miro board: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOSNvI_A=/ During our class brainswarm session, I came up with six goals that I feel are important for me to think about as I develop my thesis project. At the bottom of my board, I listed some resources that I could…
Thesis – Assignment 1 – due Feb 9th
DIRECTIONS: In study groups share 3 projects from your portfolio or IMA, and 3 inspirational projects that somehow relate to your work. Post your in-class possible design exercises to your thesis journal. Link to my Blog Post on Notion. Group members for sharing projects…
Allison Parrish
Alexis Sanders
Alice Tang
Beth Fileti
Brian Ho
Cameron Surh
Jack (Hongsuk) Chun
Judy Lieff
M Dougherty
Sarah Hakani
Vince Picone
Stavros Didakis
Danni Wang
Fangling Huang
Lu Song
Ma (Yussef) Hanran
Ke (Marco) Ma
Qianfei (Jackie) Chai
Shengsen (Frost) Ni
Shu Zhang
Sihan (Shaun) Zhou
Xiaoxuan (Amanda) Jiang
Yutian Wang