Jesse-Yu Show-A-Thing Reflection
The four short 20-min for the project has been very effective and inspiriting. I met with Gottfried Haider, Pierre Depaz, Jung Hyun Moon, and Cezar Mocan. They are all extremely resourceful and supportive. They provide workarounds for my logistics. Adding onto the workarounds (once a compromise),…
Thesis Development & Show A Thing Show Reflection
The way that meeting with the professors was very helpful to me on last Wednesday, April 20. They are Gottfried Haider,Tiri Kananuruk,Rodolfo Cossovich and Dorian Janežič. After a long period of wandering and an overactive, I finally discovered the problem with the current stage of…
(judy) Postmortem – SHOW-A-THING
Notes and Reflections on my Notion Blog
“Show-A-Thing Feedback Session” Reflection & Next Step
Link to the “Show-A-Thing Feedback Session” Reflection
Thesis :KPI
Things I Want People who have seen this work can start to think about the questions I have thrown out that I don’t have the answers to, which can open our minds and stop people wasting time on boring arguments. Things I don’t want My…
Thesis Journal 07(reflection) – Jackie
Show A Thing Show Reflection & development Reflection: I presented the thesis ideas to 3 amazing guests: Maria, Jamie and David. I showed them the general idea and prototype setting and get the wonderful feedback and suggestion. I have organized these comments into 3…
Thesis Week 13+14
Projection test Not sure what it will end up looking like, but at least the projector is working Will test with stainless steel and chiffon fabric and iterate the projection effect A little concerned about the lighting, may not be able to see the projection…
“Show-A-Thing Feedback Session” Reflection & Next Step.
Last week’s “Show-A-Thing” session give me a lot of feedback & ideas as I expected a lot. Below is the summary of the sessino & my thought for next step. 1. My “Show-A-Thing” PT > MY PT Link Reflecting lots of critic I had…
Allison Parrish
Alexis Sanders
Alice Tang
Beth Fileti
Brian Ho
Cameron Surh
Jack (Hongsuk) Chun
Judy Lieff
M Dougherty
Sarah Hakani
Vince Picone
Stavros Didakis
Danni Wang
Fangling Huang
Lu Song
Ma (Yussef) Hanran
Ke (Marco) Ma
Qianfei (Jackie) Chai
Shengsen (Frost) Ni
Shu Zhang
Sihan (Shaun) Zhou
Xiaoxuan (Amanda) Jiang
Yutian Wang