Thesis 2022 Journal

Jesse-Yu Show-A-Thing Reflection

The four short 20-min for the project has been very effective and inspiriting. I met with Gottfried Haider, Pierre Depaz, Jung Hyun Moon, and Cezar Mocan. They are all extremely resourceful and supportive. They provide workarounds for my logistics. Adding onto the workarounds (once a compromise),…

Thesis :KPI

Things I Want People who have seen this work can start to think about the questions I have thrown out that I don’t have the answers to, which can open our minds and stop people wasting time on boring arguments. Things I don’t want My…

Thesis Week 13+14

Projection test Not sure what it will end up looking like, but at least the projector is working Will test with stainless steel and chiffon fabric and iterate the projection effect A little concerned about the lighting, may not be able to see the projection…