Thesis 2022 Journal

Thesis Week 12

Show-A-Thing reflection Feedback sessions slides It’s been great fun in Show-A-Thing, and I’m grateful to Rudi, Tiri, David, Eric, and Moon for being part of my thesis. We had some really meaningful conversations around my project regarding the current progress and next steps. Integrating the…

Thesis Development – Interview with BeAnotherLab

This notion page is where I keep my progress regarding research and access, HERE Interview with BeAnotherLab(Marte): ——————————————————- Questions&Answers(Paraphrased): What changes when we can be placed as the first person perspective via VR? empathy is all about perspective shifting. There’s something about seeing yourselves presented…

Thesis KPIs

By the end of spring semester, I need to finish virtual prototyping on Unity, and the design for the physical prototype. For my physicals installation, let 85% of target audience who interacted with the installation to change their mind For my physicals installation, number of…