Thesis 2022 Journal

Week 11: KPIs

Rubric Things I Want Things I Don’t Want Things I’m Okay With A realistic model of a house based on where I grew up An experience too complicated to both build and interact with Users interpreting the experience freely A representation of my family’s experiences…

Fangling’s KPI Blog

Other personal goals: 1.     It will be a great online performance experience that helps people imagine the future both visually and aural. 2.     It will have a special audio-visual experience, leading people to feel strong synaesthesia. 3.     It will promote emotional interaction and communication among…

Thesis Week 11

Updated timeline Continued research For the physical computing part, this week I was introduced to projection mapping and have been playing with MadMapper as a technical practice. Also, I’m sourcing various fabric materials that can be used as projection interfaces. Here is a list of…

thesis KPIs

finish at least 2-3 prototypes for short emotional journeys learn shaders and apply shaders to my prototypes finish researching and make design decisions about artistic styles (colors、patterns and etc)