Thesis 2022 Journal

Midterm Presentation Reflection + Timeline

  Midterm Presentation Reflection Presentation slides: In terms of the presentation process, I think that my preparation is not enough. I didn’t reserve time for myself to rehearse, so I didn’t control the time of the entire presentation well, even didn’t finish some key…

Midterm Presentation

Write about your experience with your midterm presentation and be honest. Did you prepare adequately? What do you need to focus on for the next 5 weeks? Reflecting on the midterm presentation, I feel the structure and setup going into this task were not fully…

Midterm Presentation Report

What I did before was not very good, because I spend too much time on determining which thought could be the proposal, and I was concentrated on the question of thinking about what would be meaningful. Luckily, owing to this long determination, I found it…