Thesis 2022 Journal

Thesis Journal 04 – Jackie

During this week’s study, I learned about the elements that affect forest change, and learned about the economic and ecological value of forests. However, in the search, especially in the domestic research on the cultural value of forests, it seems that only the recreational functions…

Week 9: Prototype & Experts

First SketchUp Prototype Possible Narrative Elements to Add List in progress & subject to change: Clothes, shelves, books, photo albums, family photos on walls and tables, wall decor, magnets on fridge, altar in bedroom, kitchen cabinets with recipes taped to them, mismatched tupperwares/containers, drawer full…

Week 4-More research_Yuchen Li

Here are more academic research papers about color cognition. Colors chosen should enhance attention, recognition, interest and understanding of a concept. This all seems like a challenge but cognitive psychology helps us in addressing this challenge. Applying Cognitive Psychology to User Interfaces Sabeen Durrani and…