KPI thoughts & Ideas for my project.
I summarized my last week’s idea progression for KPI in below, after adding some opinion & ideas.
A. Standards for KPI
: Among all the comment I wrote by myself, BOLD part felt most important for my meaning of thesis.
Part 1. Free-writing for my project.
I Want to make my audience FUN, Seriously. & Think !
Potential of Kara-Play….but….begin to worry…could it be fun ??? like game, and serious like Art ?
….making FUN would be not simple as I thought…I missed something BIG…
I didn’t know there were 800 versions of Cinderella in the world…..
Storytelling is not FIXED one….Story is LIVING something..
What is “Storytelling” ? Where the Fun of Storytelling coming from ???
At first I’m just thinking about Actor -as a Player, but realize that Audience also one of Player in my Kara-Play game or kinda of it…
How to make the storytelling of Kara-PLAY (or PLAY itself) Fun ?
How I can make 800 versions of Cinderella through my project ???
Part 2. 10 Criteria
- I want to make my project as Real Role-Playing
- I want to my project easy to play a PLAY
- I don’t want to my project boring…..
- I want to make people feels fresh every time they play my project
- My thesis does change the discourse of boring Metaverse topic for more FUN topic
- I want to break the stereotyped Virtual & Reality paradigm
- I want to make all my Toys living !
- want my project to bring the Fun of PLAY in their home!
- Want people THINK about their life or about storytelling.
- Can be successful !!!
B. Part 3. KPI
: So based on above thoughts, I set up KPIs for my project. It will be devided by two side, one is for project & other is for Users (Players). Espeicially for User’s KPI, it is set up as a plan that I will launch my project in “VR CHAT” platform (which is already serviced) and I could pull out the log & data for each KPI. Even the KPI is an asuumption in this stage, it would be helpful to set up more clear & practical goal for my project.
A. Project KPI (Pjoject itself)
– Below KPI will be guide during I plan & develop my project, even there are tons of other “qulity” matters
(Artwork, coding, script quality & fun etc…)
- How many version of storytelling can be produced?
(*Hopefully, it can produce 100 versions of Cinderella by interactive storytelling)
- Number of Character & Scenes for quality & variation of a play.
B. Quantity of Player
– Basically my project is similar to theather or game software, below KPI which is used commercially could be applied for my project.
- New user (Accumulated), Total user
- Daily, Monthly User
- How many Play played in a Day/Month.
C. Quality of Player
– Below numbers could give me a hint whether my project working meaningfully for my users & players.
- Number of “Replay” of one play!
- Time of people using my service (for person)
- Participant of Audience – How many time they choose for interactive storytelling
- Ratio of Actor VS Audience (Need to be balanced)
- Number of Audience Feedback (number of “LIKE!” if my project has system)
The clear KPI decision (including its goal – certain number) would be considered as my project become more concrete, but above standard would be helpful to show the goal of my project.
– Jack
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