Stavros and I had a very productive conversation on how to take the best use of the summer session to user test creatively and develop the thesis project week by week. We specifically talked about running some participatory design workshops/design thinking workshops before moving on to high-fidelity prototyping, and bringing more creatives to the emotion avatar creation. Here is the updated timeline and a draft plan for the workshop.

New Production Timeline

  • Week 1: Plan for participatory workshop & continue research the concepts and ways of implementation
  • Week2: Refine and conduct participatory workshop, start to work on the creative emotion avatar creation
  • Week3: Finish all workshops, summarize insights and start making final prototypes
  • Week4: Finish prototypes and organize documentations
  • Week5: Final presentation and documentation

Plan for Participatory Design Workshop

  1. Platforms and resources to continue researching:
    1. Nn group participatory design video
    2. Ideo design tool website
    3. miro templates
  2. Workshop structure draft (2 hours/ 2-3 people per session/2-3 sessions)
    1. Introduction of the host, participants, and workshop goal
    2. One icebreaker game
    3. Task 1: emotion avatar creation – how do you like to document your emotions in a creative way?
      • For each person, list out 3-5 scenarios when you want to share your work emotions. List 3-5 scenari0s when you want to document your emotions.
      • Together choose 3 most typical scenarios
      • How do you want to share your emotions under these situations?
    4. Task 2: community interaction – how do you want to be supported? What can other people do to help you heal/feel better/gain resilience?
      1. Brainstorm 3-5 ways that best support you (refer to the existing list)
      2. Vote on the 3 best ones
    5. Task 3: documentation wall/box – how would all of the emotions that you have shared best come together in the documention?