A. Lesson from the midterm presentation.

– Key lessons from midterm PT feedback can be summarized like below.

1) OK VR Play, but so what?

: Before the PT, I assumed that I need to explain lots of thing about my theme, VR PLAY. But different from my idea (”It’s super cool idea but I need to explain a lot how cool it is…”), PLAY with VR itself was not so special (even good to know that it was not bad idea), but VR PLAY itself was just also another kind of “Tool”, but also not the real subject itself. I need to explain & plan more for “What kind of VR PLAY is? “, and “Why it’s important”, instead of “Why I will do VR PLAY?”.

   2) Theme of fairytale was not fairytale for my thesis.

: I chose ‘fairytale’ as a theme of my VR PLAY, frankly speaking it seems easier than other serious theme. But it was my misunderstanding. Like my review Marianne pointed it out, the simplicity of fairytale made it more complex theme than other storytelling. And through by this critic, I came to know what is the fundamental topic of my thesis. It was not only about “PLAY” artform itself, but also about “Storytelling”, because PLAY exist for storytelling but not vice versa.

 3) No Good PT exist without Good PT itself.

: I though I was prepared enough for the PT, but I was too much prepared for not important part (ex: like the image of other case studies) and not enough for important part (like visual image of my thesis work). And need to tons of word for explain about visual topic, so not only failed to share my idea but also to manage PT time.

Above 3 things will be my focusing topic from now on during next 5 weeks, especially about “storytelling”. Also I need to think & think & think about a kind of detail which need to be essntial to my work (and coding) to be realized within the real time management until the end of July.

Overall, was my midterm PT successful ? Absolutely yes. Because it was not because I was good, but I was failed & found the real problems  for changes. At last, I came to know the real meaning of below phrase  in the thesis page 🙂

Take an object / Do something to it / Do something else to it. [Repeat.]”


  B. Timeline for Next 


– Jack