Midterm Reflection
Write about your experience with your midterm presentation and be honest. Did you prepare adequately?
Firstly, the way that this question assumes lack of effort on my part is ridiculous. I actually wonder if the ITP/IMA department has prepared adequately, as the constructive support throughout this process has been lacking. The midterm was no different. While I do appreciate Ruta and Miranne’s perspectives, I was clearly being evaluated as if this was my final thesis presentation, which it was not. Pretending it is was less than helpful. I would gain far more from showing my reality, exhibiting where I am in this stage of the creation process and getting feedback about direction, space to ask questions, etc. I cannot think of output before research- that is quite counter to the intention and process ideologies grown this far. This is not the ITP program so copy and paste will not work here.
What do you need to focus on for the next 5 weeks?
My project seems to be calling for a drastic pivot. I was advised to not explore ML for my midterm and so I wish to do so now. I am curious if I can train a system of inputting a word and receiving the smell. I have gathered a list of databased that already exist that I would utilize to make this system, so will not be reaching out requesting permission.
Continued research (references, experts, conversations, reflections on previous research)
ML/AI in scent – logistics of training between word and smells
Interview with Joel Mainland
Design & development
There is a field-wide problem with the language around scent. This is the wall I keep hitting; scientists, neuroscientists, chemists, and biologist are researching new systems for communicating scent (think RGB system for color). As and artist, I do not want to crack this problem or approach the space that these experts are already dedicated to, but I would like to build upon it. How can I? What is the artists role in taking research and academia into use – for the sake of communication but also for creation?
User testing
I am thinking about asking 4 -5 musicians to arrange smells with their corresponding notes.
Iteration & continued production
- make a p5 sketch of keyboard functionality (waits for pause between notes, calculates amount of time key pressed into percentage and then diffuses odor, accompanying book of cords? is there a version with liquid odor instead of air odor?)
Documentation & presentation
This will come
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