Write about your experience with your midterm presentation and be honest. Did you prepare adequately? What do you need to focus on for the next 5 weeks?

It seems like my thesis proposal is almost close but still not clear enough. I will try to explain it in a clearer and more detailed way:

I want to make an installation that uses mirrors and projector or lights to visualize audience feedback. A mirror machine consists of 16(or 20/25) pieces of mirrors but share the same behavior and interaction. They initially move in a certain way,  such as orderly adapting the angle of the mirror. Projector is set up towards the mirrors, which reflect the light from the projector from different angles. A feedback device is set in front of the machine to detect the heartbeat of the audience. When audiences put their finger on the detector, the motion of mirrors will change drastically with their heartbeats. 


I am really amazed by Moon’s energy and ideas as his feedback is really helpful and inspired me a lot. If it is available,  I would like to contact him further via email to resolve technical issues. However, due to the locked down situation in Shanghai, it is hard for us to implement the experiment of offline installation. The delivery service is also shut down so I cannot get the materials for my arduino experiments. As a result, I have listed two plans:

  1. Simplify the technical part of my project. 
  • Try to fix the installation in a smaller size like a desktop scale (It could also address what Moon says is a potential concern about the high cost of servo motors. )
  • At first, I plan to use two servos to control a mirror. It can change the mirror in four directions (up, down, left and right). But I think I have to start with two(up and down) instead of four. I will reconsider further steps if the original goal can be achieved.

2. Turn the display into an unreal version or a virtual/reality hybrid (still haven’t found a better way)

I will keep researching and still run for the thesis work.

  1. Metaphor for the inner feedback
  2. Connection between audience and artwork
  3. Inner feedback
  4. Communication cues

Create a production timeline that encompasses the remainder of the Spring semester and the Summer session. Break this down into the following categories and post to thesis journal:

    • Continued research (references, experts, conversations, reflections on previous research)
      • Design & development
      • User testing
      • Iteration & continued production
      • Documentation & presentation