Midterm Reflections_Fangling
- Write about your experience with your midterm presentation and be honest. Did you prepare adequately? What do you need to focus on for the next 5 weeks?
In general, I was adjusting my thinking according to the suggestion of my teacher, and I spent a lot of time preparing for the survey and further study of the relationship between human beings and technology. I read relevant books about post-humans, cyborg, time and technology, and even some anti-utopian fiction. Therefore, I was not sufficiently prepared for the practical matters in terms of devices and texts.
Since the use of Chinese dialogue helps me to think deeply, I will continue to interview academic and technical experts in China. Both of these interviews are important, because I realize that the project’s success or failure lies not only in deep thought about human subjects, especially in China, but also in the technical aspects that need to be put into practice, such as the way the sound installations is embedded in the mask installations and the key trigger points when performing at zoom.
I anticipated several experts in both fields (a rough list of 9-10 or so) and used my time carefully to schedule phone interviews. Due to the current severe situation in Shanghai, the whole city is in lockdown. I couldn’t get out of the house much less meet each other, so I had to schedule them one by one and slowly work my way forward.
Starting next week, I’ll focus on two things. First, I need to simply my device under such circumstance. To be specific, if nesting the device with a sound controller is not feasible, I’ll do an alternative, so that the audience can visually perceive a similar effect. Second, I will confirm the first draft of the text and hand-drawn design. In addition, I will interview academic experts for advice and support.
This week I interviewed two professors at the Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts, both artists focusing on new media in contemporary art, one who focuses on the structure and speculation of art works, and the other one gave me specific advice on sound installation.
Interview Number One, artist Jin.
I plan to ask the following questions :
- I’m guessing you’ve also read Stigler’s three books “Technology and Time.” What’s your thoughts on the issue of technology and time, which are increasingly oppressing human beings nowadays? A. Cinematic time B. Technology is about the torture of perception
- Do you have a negative view of the future? Or a future without a destination? An anti-utopian future.
- The dramatic analysis of ancient Greek female characters such as, Antigone, Electra, these female characters talk about their relationship with the medium of the moment, is it not that such characters (representative type of characters) as they appear as a kind of disturbing, black shadow —- Stigler’s Ghost says.
- McLuhan talks about how today, listening is precisely what is more important. So as an audience, what kind of online performance do you want to see (and hear)? Or what kind of structure of online performance would be shocking for you?
- Art, or can we focus more precisely on the discussion of theater, and will theater and performance art be involved in changing the future?
Here’s the part of his answer that triggered my change and thinking:
- Your questions need to be more specific. Idon’t see specific problems right now; for example, the composition of your team and role assignments. That is to say, people and the program can both be seen as a role. Your Zoom Theatre is made up of a specific division of labor, and each division of labor is a metaphor.
I think the characteristics of a team need to be: fixed, structured, long-term sustainable, stable and open. This performance structure can be continued both online and offline in the future.
- The order of appearance in your performance structure is important
- Who will make the decision during the performance? This metaphor of who is who is important.
Is it the unflinching freedom of the soul or the control of the audience — I’m sure the audience will participate and have voice control at some point.
- What is the structure and role of “I” in it? What are the responsibilities?
- What are therules of the game? What is the aggregation method- it should be simple and feasible so that once it is understood, it is firmly in control.
I interviewed Chong Pan, a researcher at SIVA (Shanghai Institute of Visualization’s music programming studio and ” Musical Instrument Invention Studio” studio). I interviewed him about online sound time control and sound installations.
- To solve the online sound delay problem, Ineed to prepare separately regarding the four parts:video, audio, live sound and trigger.
- Sound devices and 3D printed half-face maskswill benested within each other — and related to each other. Also I need to figure out how to build 3D printed models and to do silicon materials study as silicone symbolizes human skin.
- Also there’s the issue ofsound-picture combination.How to create multi-dimensional sound, with MAX- and make sure that sound should not be isolated? Meanwhile, I need to confirm the sequence and iteration between sound and picture.
- Create a production timeline that encompasses the remainder of the Spring semester and the Summer session. Break this down into the following categories and post to thesis journal:
My next schedule ison a weekly basis, and I need to determine which software would support my live performance and complete the script, software, and device design. See Miro Board for a more detailed view: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOSNQMGU=/
WEEK 1 (April 6)
- work in Miro board
- Continue interviewing experts
- Determine the procedures and materials to be used
- Refine the first draft of the text
WEEK 2 (April 13)
- Basic confirmation text
- Start sculpting
- 3D printer
WEEK 3 (April 20)
- Validate text and Max program
- Validate silicone materials and designs
- Sound recording
WEEK 4 (April 27)
- Confirm vision
- Be sure to look at the structured text
WEEK 5 (May 4)
- Dig deeper
- Confirm the text
- Identify visual, installation materials, and program solutions
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