Sammy’s Thesis KPI’s
What do you want? To have a project that I feel represents where my body of work is going
What excites you, what terrifies you? What excites me is everything coming together to achieve visuals and meaning that I could have never originally imagined. What terrifies me is technical difficulties.
How did presenting your work feel? It felt good to speak my idea out loud in front of people
What has changed since you last presented? I finally ripped the bandaid of starting to learn touch designer and I have now been thinking more about the ways in which the audience can interact with the performance.
Who else might care about it?
What are you chasing? I’m chasing for an opportunity to show who i am as an artist. We are constantly evolving and this is an opportunity to be who i am in this point in time. I’m also chasing a chance to have an artistic career.
Things my thesis does for the world/audience
- Questions them
- Introduces a new context for interaction
- Give them an enlightening experience
- Make them go through an emotional journey
Things my thesis does for me
- Is motivation to learn new skills
- Gaining more experience on projects that having many moving parts
- Teaches me how audiences react to different methods of interactive performance along the way
After experiencing this performance, that audience member seeks out learning more about Mexican and Latino culture. The audience member has a shocking experience that makes them want to learn more about the Latina experience.
Totally Fulfilled: There is an interactive performance that I’m proud of and resonates with the audience, at least one person discovers something internal about their own identity. This can be a draft version of the final performance… it’s okay if it’s not the finalized version.
Somewhat fulfilled: There is an interactive performance that doesn’t resonate with me or the audience, but something is presented and i learned a lot
Not fulfilled at all: There is no show to be performed
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