“Show-A-Thing Feedback Session” Reflection & Next Step.
Last week’s “Show-A-Thing” session give me a lot of feedback & ideas as I expected a lot.
Below is the summary of the sessino & my thought for next step.
1. My “Show-A-Thing” PT
Reflecting lots of critic I had on Mid-Term PT, this time I developed & focused on below point.
- Research & Idea about the interaction of ‘Audience’, compared to ‘Actor’ focused Mid-term PT
- How I can solve the probelm of stereo-typed &already too much known storytelling of old & classic fairytale?
- How I will make my “Wizard of OZ” Play, by my own setting & storytelling idea for Thesis work?
Of course include a prototype of VR Chat example for showing my basic technical skill for making VR theater,
but more focused about my ‘Idea’ then technical possiblity, because I learned deeply about that always idea is more
important than coding through a whole class of IMA Lowres until now.
My reviewer were Pierre Depaz, Sarah Rothberg, Kate Stevenson and Cezar Mocan (by the schedule order), I could
luckily have a chance to meet the veterans for both VR & Game, which were the two main axis of my thesis and they
gave me good critic including amaing cases which I never found during my research.
2. Summary of ciritc & opinions.
a. Good point
- Most reviewers were very interested & fun about my thesis topic (which was always best important for me), and different from Mid-term PT, there were not much question about the details of my play concept. I focused my update for this compared to Mid-term PT, so little bit satisfied the feedback of this.
- Everyone loved the idea of audience interaction and most feedback also was about it. If I was not prepared this part, maybe I could not get lots of their great insight & opinions for this part.
b. Advice & critic
- Idea of audience interaction is good, but need to be more developed & clearly for my thesis topic because this would be very important point on my thesis. They gave us lots of great examples for this like Tempest VR & Pandora-X etc, but for me the most strking case was “Guignol – classical French Puppet show” shared my Pierre. It shows how old puppet show understood & applied ‘Interaction’ by their own way already.
- VR’s play more focusing on ‘immersive’ space different from other classical play. This is the distinguished specility of VR theater compared to other physical theater, so need to use this technical strenghth of VR theater.
3. Lesssons & next step
- Need to decice “focus” of my thesis, including my PT itself. It was accepted very generously by my good reviewers, I realized stil my thesis idea should be more nailed & focused during my 4 times PT this time
- Audience interaction idea should be thought more & decided. It’s not only the importance of it, but also basically it will be directly related to coding part so need to investigate both idea & coding possiblity ASAP.
- Prototying again, reflecing my updated PT & play idea based on ‘Wizard of OZ’.
Even I had lots of homework through ‘Show-A-Thing’ session, It was very meaningful time I could imagine my overall thesis idea at last, compared to very vague concept of my Mid-term PT.
Looking forward to seeing my next journey afterward to the fianl of thesis work.
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