WEEK 1: May 23 & 26 – Overview & Check-In
In class:
- Monday: all-together class
- Summer schedule overview
- Beginning of the Summer session check-in:
- Reflection on the end of the Spring semester
- Looking ahead
- Thursday: 1:1 office hours (required)
- What does a successful / failed thesis look like for me?
- Discuss your the successful thesis milestones (former KPIs), production timeline and plans for user testing
- Keep developing your project
- Think about what does a successful / failed thesis looks like for you? Update your successful thesis milestones (former KPIs) and production timeline based on the Beginning of the Summer session check-in on Monday and post it to the thesis journal – be prepared to discuss it in office hours on Thursday
- Sign up for one office hours appointment with your advisor (the appointment will be approximately 15-20 mins and joined by a class resident)
- Prepare to user test your project in class next Thursday
WEEK 2: June 2 – User Testing
In class:
- Monday: no class because of the Memorial day in the U.S.
- Tuesday: optional 1:1 office hours
- Thursday: all-together class
- User testing in groups, reflection & what/how to iterate next
- Overview: Materials for the Thesis Archive
- Keep developing your project
- Assess your documentation materials and/or make a plan for collecting and organizing materials
- Create a draft version of your Thesis Archive materials and upload them to Google Drive. See instructions and guidelines here – Thesis Archive Draft Submission Template.
- Be ready to review your draft next week with your Advisor and Resident during office hours next week
- Consider reaching out to NYU’s Writing Center for assistance
- Sign up for office hours appointments with your Advisor and Resident for next week
WEEK 3: June 6 & 9 – Final Guidelines & Deliverables
In class:
- Monday: 1:1 meetings with Advisor and Resident
- Receive feedback on your draft Thesis Archive materials
- Receive feedback on your documentation materials and/or future plans
- Thursday: all-together class
- How to give a final thesis presentation?
- Final thesis presentation guidelines overview – see Thesis Week Presentation Guidelines doc
- Additional Reference: How-To – Thesis Presentation slide deck
- Workshop: mock presentations, talk outline
- Submit initial version of Thesis Archive materials to the ITP Projects Database by Sunday, June 12th 11:59 PM ET
- Prepare a draft version of your thesis presentation and be ready to rehearse in class next Monday & Thursday
- Please sign up for 2 office hours appointments for next Monday: one with your advisor and one with the resident
WEEK 4: June 13 & 16 – Final Presentation Rehearsals
In class:
- Monday: 1:1 meetings with Advisor and Resident to receive feedback on your final Thesis presentation & Thesis Archive materials
- Thursday: all-together class
- Final presentation schedule and overview – assigned times
- In group thesis presentation rehearsals & peer feedback
- Refine and rehearse your presentations for the final presentation next week!
- Prepare to show your final project to your advisor on Tuesday, June 21
- Please sign up for one office hours appointment with your advisor (the appointment will be joined by a class resident)
- Please sign up for a tech rehearsal slot. You can do it here
- Submit edits to the Thesis Archive materials in the ITP Projects Database by Friday, June 17th 11:59 PM ET.
- NOTE – you are welcome to continue making edits as you like after the 17th, but we will aim to make the site public around this time so keep that in mind
WEEK 5: June 21, 22 & 23 – Final Project & Presentations
- Monday: no meeting because of Juneteenth in the U.S.
- Tuesday: 1:1 meeting with Advisor & Resident
- Final projects check-in & presentation feedback
- Tuesday & Wednesday:
- Tech rehearsals – please sign up here
- Wednesday & Thursday
- Final Thesis presentations – see schedule here