04 – Research and Mood Board
My research has led me down a few different paths and lines of thinking. Here are some that I’ve been exploring: Circularity and truth play in repetition of sounds/chanting How augmented reality and virtual reality facilitate false memory construction Projective hypothesis and how tarot and…
2.23.2022 Blog post (preliminary research)
This is a very preliminary sketch of research on the topic of Satellites. I had a consuming work week and will be adding to my post on NOTION.
Thesis Experimentation
For my thesis experiment, I chose to focus on the relationship between music and scent. I decided to try out translating piano keys to scents. Here is the documentation of that experiment: https://www.m-dougherty.com/process/2022/2/21/thesis-experiment
Allison Parrish
Alexis Sanders
Alice Tang
Beth Fileti
Brian Ho
Cameron Surh
Jack (Hongsuk) Chun
Judy Lieff
M Dougherty
Sarah Hakani
Vince Picone
Stavros Didakis
Danni Wang
Fangling Huang
Lu Song
Ma (Yussef) Hanran
Ke (Marco) Ma
Qianfei (Jackie) Chai
Shengsen (Frost) Ni
Shu Zhang
Sihan (Shaun) Zhou
Xiaoxuan (Amanda) Jiang
Yutian Wang