Looking back on what I have learned in the past 7 months, the most important thing is to learn how to learn, discover more aspects of my interest, and explore more topics.


1-Current progress: It can be said that there is no idea. I think this is not a superposition of technologies, but a result of long-term observation and thinking, which is finally expressed in a work.


2- Some questions and thoughts on how to implement inspiration:

– It’s hard to find a good expression, I hope to combine it with the installation art that I like.

– There is no denying that technology is important. Including coding and use of various software.

– A balance between artistry, creativity and technology. I need to decide where to spend more time.

– I might get stuck on UX. This reflects my rustiness and inexperience with this interaction.

– I want this work to be visually striking and easy to read


3-Whether it is combined with my professional background:

The projects I wanted to do before were utilitarian. Ultimately it is for the client. It is undeniable that there is creativity and design, but it is more about providing services for IP. Now I have changed my mind, at least in the research phase of the dissertation. I have not thought deeply about the relationship between interaction and space, but I am more interested in the connection between people and nature. Of course it also includes the connection between space and nature. I’m not sure if my topic is related to these. However, I remain very passionate about the subject of environmental protection and sustainability.


4- On topics of interest:

The J term study has brought me a lot of inspiration. Just like the subject of the 50-day short-term practice, the ultimate exploration is human behavior and the relationship between people. The exploration of this relationship is also a focus of the thesis. I prefer to look at the connection between nature and the city, here are some rough ideas:

-Cities live in symbiosis with nature: The COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged the world, with severe health, social and economic impacts around the world, which are still uncertain. After experiencing emergency measures such as city closures and travel restrictions, people are re-aware of the importance of natural ecosystems and biodiversity in cities for maintaining human physical and mental health and urban resilience.

– The impact of human behavior on urban development directly or indirectly: On the one hand, cities are the gathering place of human thought, business, culture, science, production and social activities, providing more development opportunities and space for human beings, and becoming a social and economic development. On the other hand, the high concentration of urban population and the extremely active production and life far exceed their own resource supply and waste absorption capacity, resulting in excessive resource consumption and serious environmental deterioration, resulting in a decline in the quality of life of urban residents: crowding, pollution, crime and other problems seriously affect the sustainable development of cities.

– The impact of public art on urban ecology and people’s way of life: Public art should be rooted in political, social and economic contexts. Because it is the context or engagement in the event that gives the project meaning. It may be a way of combining art and environment, nature and humanities, aesthetics and space.


In the next stage, I will continue to do more research and thinking in these areas. In the process perhaps I will find more interesting content and narrow down the topics.