In the first week’s brainstorm activity, I narrowed down my interests to the two big topics: accessibility and 3d immersive experience. In my thesis project, I wish to further develop my skills in 3d modeling while getting a deeper understanding of accessible technology design. I wish to combine my knowledge in ux design (Figma) with 3d world building (Unity/Unreal/Blender/C4D) in the process. Excited to get more feedback and ideas~

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After taking the life design workshop, I had three more specific ideas of what I want to build for my thesis project:

  1. An Emotion Shredder APP for working women
    Emotions are normally considered irrational or not professional in work. However, as humans, we experience a set of emotions on a daily basis. Studies have shown that women experiences more mental burden, trying to hind their emotions in work to look more “professional” and to be respected. In this App that I wish to build, I want to help working women visualize their emotions, shape it as they want (3d modeling and personalization in the app), and then shred it.
    In addition, if it’s possible, I want to make the APP compatible with AR technologies where you can actually “see” the emotion avatar and smash/kick it away it in real life.
  2. A selfie APP with 3D avatars
    Many people nowadays spend a long period of time doing make up, taking photos, and then ps them so that they can post on social media. The MR app will allow people to take photos with their avatar. All they need to do is dressing up their avatar in the app before going out and then they can takes photos as they want wherever they go without having to worry about “the image”.
  3. A social media app based on one’s dialect
    Many dialects are dying in different areas of China because of low usage, lack of condition to practice, and no documentation. In this metaverse app, people will build their own “dialectal down” with idioms, pinyin documentation, and special customs. The visual will have a Chinese style 中国风 with customizable settings. Each time of the year will have a special theme, and people are supposed to build their town based on the theme.