Much of the recent research (including the 50-day practice) is about the relationship of Everything. J term’s class gave me a lot of inspiration, including people and nature, people and cities, ecology and cities, animals/plants and people. Urban metabolism and the Anthropocene are still fresh words for me, and they are worth digging into.

It is true that more and more people believe that the virtual world will also have the status of physical display in the future, and that the virtual world we interact with can be as real as our regular physical world. The status of virtual reality shouldn’t be downplayed just because it’s based on bits rather than quarks and electrons. However, isn’t virtual reality or reconstruction of reality a last resort or symbiosis after human beings destroy the environment、deplete resources and population explosion? It’s the symbiosis of the organic and the inorganic, the real and the virtual, and destruction and repair.

There is no doubt that for a long time in the future, human beings will still rely on the physical world to exist. During this time, I will continue to study real-world conditions. The title of this paper is: Description Relationship between Urban Space and Quality of Urban Life.

The paper consists of two parts—the first part, which is theoretical, takes the form of conceptualization of urban space and the quality of urban life, including the identification of elements which affect them. The result of conceptualizing urban space into a qualitative form is liveability. The result of conceptualizing the quality of urban life is a holistic quality of life in the city, containing two domains—subjective and objective. The second part of the paper is the application of both constructs in a concrete form, based on measuring the values of these indicators and also the analysis of the results. The measurement takes the form of liveability on the one hand and of satisfaction with the place and/or satisfaction with the quality of urban life on the other hand. 

This is not an abstract scientific investigation, but can help improve urban planning and public policy in general. A “fundamental assumption underlying many approaches to planning and design is that places may be designed to enhance the quality of people’s lives”.

This is not an abstract scientific survey, but it helps improve urban planning and public policy in general. “A fundamental assumption of many planning and design approaches is that places can be designed to improve people’s quality of life”.

In the article, the author explains what a city is. Then it expounds the aspects from which the research on the city can start and the factors that influence the development of the city. Then it expounds the meaning of the word “space” in urban studies, including “social space” and “public space”. And let me understand what “livability” means for a city. It also conveys the relationship between livability and the quality of urban life.

Admittedly, I don’t fully understand the latter numerical indicators, but the listing of some elements helps me to have a deeper understanding of some relevant information about urban livability and quality of life, including: economic environment and social environment, employment opportunities and income. level, air quality, green public space, cultural resources, democratic institutions, etc.

At the same time, I will continue to review other environmental aspects, including but not limited to:

-Understanding the Informal Morphology of Villages-in-the-City: A Case Study in Hanoi City, Vietnam

-Rural Population Decline, Cultivated Land Expansion, and the Role of Land Transfers in the Farming-Pastoral Ecotone: A Case Study of Taibus, China

-Effects of Climate Change and Human Activities on Aeolian Desertification Reversal in Mu Us Sandy Land, China

-Caring of the Fringe? Mediterranean Desertification between Peri-Urban Ecology and Socioeconomics


Mood Board:

Dream Review:

I want my project to achieve the following effects:

– combine design majors to create value in space

– has a visual impact

– Able to connect the mechanism well with the theme

– Allow the audience to understand the theme conveyed through the artistic expressions and interactive forms presented