Thesis KPI Journal
What do you want?
I want to create a database of 3D scanned homes that explores the living spaces and the people who live in it.
What excites you, what terrifies you?
The fact the I can collect people’s narrative and store them in the capsule of their living spaces.
How did presenting your work feel?
It feels like a constant exploration, of my topic as well as the medium. Every time I talk about it, the projects seems to change a little bit into its eventual form, which is still unknown to me at this very moment.
What has changed since you last presented?
I decided that it might be more powerful and make more sense if I can present a multitude of spaces and narratives, to make the project into a database instead of a linear documentary arc. Maybe it could be like a bee hive thing, which mimics the experience of living together as a society while, at the same time, being isolated and confined in a room. In that case, my subject could be not only elderly people who live alone, but also different groups of people who are forced to be confined in a space because of the pandemic.
Who else might care about it?
People are forced to be confined in their spaces because of the virus. People who feel confined within the invisible “walls” under social constructs such as social class, social bubbles, socio-economic status, and etc. People who find it harder than ever to get to know people outside of their visible or invisible “circles.”
What are you chasing?
I’m chasing individual narratives under a grander, collective, political, social, and national narrative.
Things my thesis does for the world/audience
- immerse them in other people’s realities
- Allow them to take an outsider look at the database, the bee hive that we live in collectively and allow them to contemplate our relationship with our living spaces as well as the grander environment and community as a whole.
Things my thesis does for me
- Find solace and a sense of connection in my own isolation
- Give me a reason to look into the life of others and think about barriers and walls that separate us in our society.
as stated above.
Totally Fulfilled: The project could truly serve as a database of our collective yet individual storytelling during the time of the pandemic and beyond.
Somewhat fulfilled: If the database is only partially realized, I hope what I can offer can at least allow people to take a brief peak into the lives of others and evoke some thinkings around that.
Not fulfilled at all: If the purpose of the database does not really come thru as I imagined and people doesn’t get what I’m trying to convey. Or if people think that it’s more of a voyeuristic peak thru into others’ lives n it makes no impact on them.
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