KPIs / Goals

  1. Output is a valuable and thought provoking experience that communicates the need to regulate AI
    1. Qual: Majority of users stop to think about the bias and ML
    2. Quant: 7 out of 10 users find the experience valuable and thought-provoking
  2. Learn more about training ML models and using them in Javascript
    1. Qual: I feel confident training models and deploying them
    2. Quant: I am able to create a final product with at least one trained and deployed model
  3. Finish a publicly shareable project that gets the point across without an accompanying presentation
    1. Qual: Users need no prompting to navigate the experience properly.
    2. Quant: # of users from outside the user testing cohort match the number of users in the testing cohort.
  4. Finish presentable documentation for the project to place on a resume or application
    1. Qual: I am happy with the finished documentation and its presentation on my portfolio
    2. Quant: At least one acceptance from a job or school


  • Week 2
    • Finish core experience prototype
  • Week 3
    • User test & gather feedback
    • Flesh out the experience
  • Week 4
    • More user testing
    • Final polish
  • Week 5
    • Presentation and documentation finished