Thesis KPIs and Timeline
The Primary goal of my thesis project is to create a system that can improve data collection for Fake WhatsApp Forward databases in India.
Have dataset of 2000 unique messages as starting collection through WhatsApp Bot I am creating.
The second goal of my thesis is to learn user behaviour of end user over WhatsApp Forwards and try to teach them to verify any WhatsApp forwards before forwarding it further.
Have atleast 30 active users.
The third goal of my thesis project is to create a library which can act as API and anyone can scrap WhatsApp data and use it to fight against Fake Forwards.
Create an API for public and make it live on GitHub with documentation.
- Week 2
- Finish functionality of reading multiple messages over WhatsApp Bot
- Collect WhatsApp Forwards manually
- Week 3
- Start collecting WhatsApp Forwards through Bot
- User test & gather feedback
- Week 4
- More user testing
- Improving the system based on user feedback
- Publishing working API of WhatsApp Bot (Scrapper)
- Week 5
- Presentation and documentation finished
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