Thesis Week 2
Topic of Thesis… At this stage and while it is not definitive, I am thinking of doing something in the topic polarity/differences of opinion of population in different countries about the same topic.
To explain better, living in KSA I have noticed that certain topics and events that have changed or impacted the country in the past 4 years have been largely ignored in the West but had a big implication locally and regionally. At the same time, certain topics that have drawn a lot of attention in the West were barely ignore locally.
In part because of this, the sentiment of population in KSA and in the West of certain KSA political fgures are at antipodes – to the point that it may even surprise the opinion in the West.
I would be interested to analyse first those differences, dig deeper on potential characteristics and then explore the potential causes. Looking at the causes, I would be interested to look at aspects of Media, Social Media access, viewership and potentially delivery.
To give a first taste of my topic I put together a video on Adobe Premier Pro to illustrate. Here is the link:
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It’d be interesting to see how you would breakdown the role of media in causing this divide / multifold of “reality”. For instance-
Where are these opinions mostly contrasted with each other? Mainstream? (Is the concept of mainstream still relevant?) Sub-forums on Reddit? Who are the audience you want to communicate to via your project?
Are you more interested in the implications of these differences? Or how people cope with them in their lives?
When you asked “What forges opinions” and “What drives polarity”, what’s your definition of opinion and polarity? Are you asking from a policy maker’s perspective, or from a normal worker who’s subjugate to the enormous flow of information?