I’m still pretty undecided on what direction I’ll go in, but a couple of major threads are pulling at me.

  • The interaction between emerging tech and poetics
    • Poetry is a big interest and hobby of mine, and I’m particularly interested in the immersive aspect of reading/experiencing poetry and how that can evolve with AI, AR, and VR.
    • Some pros of pursuing this thread
      • Explore/develop new skillsets
        • AI, VR, AR
      • Preexisting interest in the topic
    • Some cons
      • Less tangible, immediate direction
    • Potential forms this could take
      • A web experience that generatively chooses different vectors (font, size, color, etc.) of displaying language
      • A VR/AR experience with AI chosen representations of words
      • Physical installation with immersive feedback like haptics to spoken words from the person experiencing the installation
  • The interaction between coordination problems (other game theoretical concepts) and tech
    • The biggest pro about pursuing this thread is that there are a lot of research materials available to pursue more defined spaces and topics
    • This leads to some interesting questions that could prove fruitful.
      • Do problems like the tragedy of the commons get amplified or mitigated by tech/social platforms?
      • How do current platforms like Facebook/Amazon affect the aforementioned coordination problems?
      • What would a technical solution to these sorts of problems look like?
  • Technological progress and the increasing fascination with absurdism
    • One very vague hypothesis I have is that the pursuit of relentless efficiency across almost all industries has given people a greater desire for absurdism.
    • With all of the interesting tools available, there are a lot of possibilities for fun absurdist projects.

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