Link to Miro board:

During our class brainswarm session, I came up with six goals that I feel are important for me to think about as I develop my thesis project. At the bottom of my board, I listed some resources that I could potentially utilize to help accomplish these goals. In the middle, I have a jumble of sticky notes that represent some of my initial thoughts in regards to the goals and resources I listed.

I have a couple of arrows going from one sticky note to another, but I decided not to put too many – because overall, I feel like the different topics/ideas/concepts I listed (yellow/orange notes) could utilize a number of resources (blue notes) to accomplish multiple goals (green notes). And if I used arrows to represent all those potential connections, the board might’ve gotten messy. So I left it as is, also because it feels very open and nascent anyway. Additionally, I included a few people/projects I thought of (pink notes) next to some of the concepts I listed.

As a whole, this brainswarm board represents a lot of the ideas I’ve had floating around in my head for the past couple of weeks as I’ve been trying to come up with a thesis topic. But since attending the Life Design workshop last Friday, I’ve been thinking of focusing on Alzheimer’s and/or family and/or memory, inspired mostly by my grandmother and my family’s experiences since she was diagnosed.

Though this may be my chosen topic going forward, I still don’t have a clear vision of what I might create.