Week-1 Journal
As I was clueless about my thesis research topic. Last week, I have chosen a topic that has been my recent interest in the last couple of weeks. I have become really interested in the stock market recently, and I tried to embed this newly found interest as a research topic. While doing research around Stock Market, I came up with a few questions like, Who controls Stock Market? How does it depend on mass emotions about the market? Do big corporations manipulate the stock market? This was one topic that I had in my mind as the thesis research topic. I will keep this topic at the back of my mind and read up more about Stock Market.
While discussing ideas with my classmate (Frost), we were discussing his topic and how do I feel about his topic and from there we went into different topics and ideation to think around. While discussing, one of the major topics that I thought I was really interested in doing research around was the Fake News Problem. Fake news is such a big problem in India, and there is no way to identify if the news you are getting on social media or WhatsApp forwards (especially) is a hoax or true. A potential topic for the thesis could be to do research around how fake news is being spread across social media and what is the best way to solve it.
The next step would be to do some research in the direction to see if there are current platforms that are doing similar things? Are these platforms effective? Are they really reliable? How do they crosscheck the Fake News? Do people really trust these platforms? How can we spread more awareness around the fact that one should crosscheck *forwards* before believing in it?
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Hi Hiren, your first topic, Stock Market, reminds me of an interesting project: CACA Investment by Payne Zhu,
It shows the spectre of Capitalism, Caca learns the way you invest before you die. After your death, Caca will follow your life’s path and continue your investment and account for every sum of your money, to continue the way you leave your mark on the world.
For the second topic, Fake news, There is a conversation about the similar topic as you in EU,
It also shows an artwork that deals with Disinformation originated by scientific data
Ted Nelson in Herzog’s “Lo and Behold”,is also discussing this topic from the lens of the information spread in the current internet(Web 2.0).
There are some papers talking about Fake News in the different contexts,
I am curious about are you interested in specific group of people suffering in the fake news? Who are they? How this impact on them?
This paper is talking about the disinformation in the young generations,
Student Perceptions of Fake News: A Matter of Information Literacy Awareness
I encourage you to discover this topic broader or deeper, for instance,
Why do we have the definition of “fake” information, this short Sci-fi novel discussing about the “truth” and why the fake comes from.
My first suggestion would be to read some of the research from danah boyd: https://www.wired.com/story/fake-news-social-media-danah-boyd/
My next suggestion would be to create a systems diagram of the issue. Can you write out the pipeline that starts with someone creating/writing/saying a fake piece of information and ending with a lot of people believing this information? Focus on the flow of information – get specific! This will be crucial in how you move forward