Project Management:

I have a rough outline of milestones that I’d like to target. I’m hoping to front-load aggressively, so I can be more reactive and considerate later on. I have some additional outlines about KPIs and criteria in this post.

  •  (Mon. 6/13) Finish data input for Flags // 1-2 hours per day on this. Maybe stop when at critical mass. Can always add to later.
  •  (Thu. 6/2) For user testing, I want to have the following in place:
    – Ability to upgrade click production power using exponential growth for cost/linear growth for production (Functionality)
    Ability to upgrade machines using exponential growth for cost/linear growth for production (Functionality)
    Do I need a way to communicate/check selling power? (Audience interest?)
    – User input to customize flags: Could be typed in or pulling from my data (Functionality)
    Starting to work on Repairman storyline
    – ASCII art illustrations for changes in resolution and flag customization (Artwork)
  • (Thu. 6/9) Have a narrative experience built out with a start, middle, and end, that his upon the key functionalities/moments within the game. Be able to user test and get player feedback.
  • (Thu. 6/16) Integrate as much user feedback and refinement as possible and have an outline of an artist statement/presentation deck ready to go.


The Work:

  • This week in one-on-ones, we talked about the reasons behind the aesthetic decision to use ascii art. I’ve captured some of the conceptual work that I did on this topic here: Why ASCII art?
  • Documentation on data entry: Building an Imperfect Database