
Link can be found HERE.

I felt pretty prepared for my presentation. Since I had been thinking and writing about my thesis for weeks at that point, I didn’t have much difficulty in putting the presentation together. I was also able to rehearse a couple of times and make sure I was only presenting for about five minutes, so that was helpful as well. I got a lot of great feedback from Gal, Moon, and my classmates so I’ll also be keeping those things in mind as I move forward. My focus for the next 5 weeks will be on building out my environment in Unreal.


I’m currently a little behind, but going forward the plan is:

  • April Weeks 1-2: Continued research (surveys, interviews, storyboarding, readings, reflections)
  • April Weeks 2-3: Design & development (prototyping, developing story, gathering assets, initial programming)
  • April Weeks 3-4: User testing
  • End of April – Beginning of May: Iteration & continued production
  • May Weeks 3-5: Details & debugging
  • June Week 1: Continued user testing
  • June Weeks 2-3: Documentation, presentation prep / practice
  • June Weeks 3-4: Final adjustments
  • June Week 4: Final presentation