
Things I Want Things I Don’t Want Things I’m Okay With
A realistic model of a house based on where I grew up An experience too complicated to both build and interact with Users interpreting the experience freely
A representation of my family’s experiences An experience too simple that it doesn’t have an impact on my audience Not having the project perfectly reflect my original vision by the end of thesis week
A working and accessible experience For people too find too many faults in my experience – whether it has to do with the Alzheimer’s aspect, the heritage aspect, or technical/storytelling aspects
For my project to resonate with a variety of audiences
Experience with and understanding of Unreal


  • Totally fulfilled: my project inspires and resonates with a variety of audiences globally
  • Somewhat fulfilled: my project represents and commemorates my grandmother’s and my family’s stories
  • Not fulfilled at all: my project fails to tell a meaningful and representative story