[Late post… apologies.]

I got such valuable feedback from the Show-A-Thing Feedback sessions. I was lucky to meet with Heidi Brant, Kate Stevenson, Christopher Wray, and Cezar Mocan – who all were really helpful in giving me advice and encouraging me to think about different aspects of my project and process in new ways.

What do you need to change or develop to encourage your ideal interaction?

  • Work on triggering visual, audio elements
  • Focus on storytelling and show it to people
  • Keep adding soul to the environment

What additional research would help advance your project?

  • Look into multimedia artist Laurie Anderson, her project “Heart Of A Dog,” and her reflections on grief
  • Look into sculptor Mike Kelly, who made a model of his childhood home
  • The connection between nostalgia and neuroscience
  • The concept of collages and mashups (“interactive media collage”)

Do you need to update your production timeline?

  • I  definitely need to be tighter with my timeline and be more aware of the time commitment of all the things I am trying to do
  • I need to spend less time on minute details that distract from the story and focus more on the elements that really speak to the narrative

What additional user testing do you have to do?

  • Share the story
  • Demo house walkthrough
  • Test interactive elements