
Here is a link to my in-progress research database in notion. In addition to the articles listed, I’m also combing through two text books: The Handbook of Art Therapy and Digital Technology by Cathy Malchiodi and Art Therapy Theories: A Critical Introduction by Susan Hogan.

The article I’ll be discussing today is “Qualities and features of art apps for art therapy” by Sunjin “Nancy” Choe, MFA, MA. My current direction for the experience I’d like to create is an art therapy tool. In this study, therapists employed several different iPad apps and the insufficiencies/critical features were outlined. After analyzing where each app fell short, the author identified 6 key features for future technologies employed for art therapy:

  1. Therapist control over options
  2. Creation of seperate, secure folders
  3. Recording of the art process
  4. Integration of mixed media and multimedia
  5. Assessment capability
  6. Privacy and confidentiality

Number 4, the integration of mixed media is what inspired me to dig a bit deeper on creating my own tool that could be employed by art therapists.

Dream Review

In a stunning display of programmatic and artistic genius, Vince Picone has ventured to create what could be the most impactful contribution to in-person therapy since the chaise lounge. Patients use their body, mind, and spirit to manipulate the space around them and create unique pieces of art that help communicate their emotions in ways which the spoken word has failed us.

Art therapists and artists alike rejoice as the next evolution of therapeutic art technology impresses audiences from art curators to art therapists and everyone in between.