WEEK 4 Thesis Journal_Frost
Documentation “Invisible Child Abuse” by Robert Firestone. When I was searching for materials about verbal child abuse, I found out there is another word came out more often, which is “emotional abuse”. And I watched the 1 hour long documentation about child emotional abuse by doctor Robert Firestone. It’s a very old documentation, but it still provided a lot useful information. It interview several adults, most of them are considered “successful” in their life. However, everyone has different mental trauma, and it all comes from their parents while they are still kids. And according to doctor Robert Firestone, most of them are very hard to be identified as a “abuse”, and most of time parents are just doing something they think its good for their kids. What surprised me is, how big the impacts are. Everyone being interviewed are already grown up adults with a successful life, but they still became very emotional when they talk about those traumatic experience, and every one of them believe it affected their way of life. So I think it’s a strong proof that emotional abuse(including verbal abuse) can be very influential.
Book “Atomic Habits”, I’m also reading the book Yuchen recommended to me. It talks about how we build and break habits. And I think if we regrading verbal abuse as a bad habit, maybe we can use the rules book recommends to change it. By making good habits(not verbal abusing) obvious, attractive, accessible and pleasant, to change parents behavior.
Mood board
Dream Review
It would be comprehensive and immersive experience, the parents, or other audiences, might seen some uncomfortable visual contents, but they will understand the real thoughts from kids, and realized how wrong they were, and might effect them and change their way to treat their own kids.
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It’s great to do deep desktop research, and I am looking forwards to your primary research as well.
Did you find anything insightful from the interview of parents or kids? Are the abuse all subtle violence? What kinds of violence are children at different ages more sensitive to? What level of trauma kids will suffer from emotional abuse?
Have you started to explore how to deliver the feeling of uncomfortable?(by different format/media)