Week3. Idea Sketch & Ideal Experts
This week I focused on my Idea#3, the Metaverse & Play. I found that this is really important theme but also it’s very huge issue across the history of all media & artform. So at first I’m thinking about more broad understanding of media & find many insightful cases (*but it will be added to next week’s more broad research after I find rightly the direction of my topic). Also below, I listed my “Ideal” experts who gave me very strong insight about this topic not only recent research but throughout my study & experiences.
Idea Sketch – Evolution of Media.
: At first I sketched it casually on the note, but found that it cannot be covered in 1 page, so moved to Miro board
and expanded the area including broarder category.
(After this work, I became realized the name of my school ITP – Interactive Telecommunication Program, and
how exactly it named before 40 years ago..)
#1. Hand-drawing sketch (*at firsrt I began with Korean memo, simply)
#2. Miro-board Sketch.
2. “IDEAL” 3 Experts List.
: As a privilege of 1st imagination, I just choose my most admired 3 people without any realization of meet them. But maybe they will be the deep reference of my theses by their book or works (or even company)
1) Brenda Laurel (Author of ”Computer as Theatre)
: Not only as a writer of great book about computer & media, she is also worked as game designer. And the name of her famous book as itself give me a great insight about the relation of Play (in Theater) & Computer, I believe she will be the best one who can understand my thesis project (even I cannot meet her just through reading her book deeply)
2) Edwin Catmull (Founder of PIXAR)
: When nobody thought computer as a tool of animation (or movie), he is dreaming of it and make it realize by establishing PIXAR & great movies of it. It’s not just because I’m a big fan of Toy story, but PIXAR’s long history & experience of making “imaginary world” like real can gives great insight about how people’s feedback & attitude to the ‘unreal world’ have been changed and will be move to.
3) Jung Jihyun (Director of Scarecrow VR)
: Her (or the team’s) work Scarecrow VR, Sundance 2020 invited shows great potential about VR space as a kind of new theater & movie with very unique approach. Actor play Scarecrow, and audience join as other player who will save Scarecrow(They are acting in the same space).
Maybe she (or the team) would be the most suitable interview for me including their work between Play & VR world and they are based on Korea, Seoul.
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This is getting interesting! Exciting to see how this is progressing. I would go back to your mind map, which nodes are the most interesting to you? Which connects interest you the most? What aspects of this chart have stayed the same, what has radically changed, what could be improved? Start questioning everything!
While your 2nd expert may be difficult to track down, for your 1st and 3rd picks I think you should just send out an email! And a trick for chatting with someone at PIXAR – go to LinkedIn and search for folks that work at PIXAR that also attended NYU. Having a common school can really help with an introduction and see who you can reach out to!
Thanks Kat for your kind & comment for this. It is exactly what I need to develop for the map, and would be focusing more for “Play”node which is most interesting part for me, because it have been most faraway art form with online media form but I think it has the biggest potential in metaverse (even I don’t agree with the difinition of nowadays). Will develop more about this including criticizing exiting metaverse ideology.
And also thanks for smart tips for contacting interviewer! Will begin to research for finding potential intervewer via Linkedin & others !