Class Info

What: Intro to Physical Computing Mondays, ITPG-GT.2301.6
When: Mondays 12.10pm – 3.05pm (Monday Class Dates)
Where: NYU Tisch Building, 4th floor, Room 406
Who: Benedetta Piantella


Best way to reach me is via email at: or

Office Hours by appointment on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Sign up on my Calendar or email me to set something else up


In-class Lab Work & Participation: 30%
Game Controller: 20%
Documentation & Blog: 20%
Final Project: 30%


See the following link for Parts Needed

Useful Links

Some Reference Books

Class Blogs

Please email me the link to your blog documentation for the class so we can continue our conversations and offer feedback online too!

Class Notes

Here are some relevant notes from class.

Class 1 – Sept 8

Examples of Tangible Interface:
Marble Answering Machine
Makey Makey
Sticky light

Interesting Interaction:

Class 2 – Sept 15

Related to the readings:
Video by Bret Victor on “Thinking the Unthinkable

Similar take on technology of the future by Corning

Future Tech in TV Show “Weeds”:
(Scroll the image slideshow at the bottom and see different views of a similar technology to this week readings.)

Sixth Sense Technology

Interesting read on Interaction:
Chapter 1 and 2 of Where the Action Is: The Foundations of Embodied Interaction, by Paul Dourish

Related to the principles discussed in the class readings:
Online graphical resistor calculator:

Related to the concepts discussed in class:
Electricity as water analogy:

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Volts, Ohms and Amps:

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Class 3 – Sept 22

Video by Don Norman on TED on “3 ways good design makes you happy”

Class 4 – Sept 29

A great example of digitally generated music by ITP Alumn Tristan Perich:

And by ITP Alumn and Adjunct Nick Yulman:

As discussed in class, ways of modifying pitch (frequency) at the same time as volume using a potentiometer:
There are also digitally controllable potentiometers, so that is a way you can actually modify volume in code rather than by manually turning the knob. We will look at this in a few weeks.

Apparently there is also a new tone() library that can do volume and pitch at the same time (although it seems like the sound is not so good!):

Also check out these other cool examples of things you can do with the tone library:

Very old example not using the tone() library. I can’t vouch for this as I haven’t tried it in a while:

Movements and mechanisms:

Examples from last years classes:

John Choi
Alina Balean
Karam Byun
Michelle Lin
Alejandro Puentes
Vicci Ho
David Tracy
Kate Godwin
Ziv Schneider
Arielle Hein
Rucha Patwardhan
Alon Chitayat
Brian Clifton
Julia Irwin
Rosalie Yu

Fletcher Bach
Devin Curry
Sam Lavigne
Kyle Greenberg
Sharon De La Cruz
Saki Hayashi
Michelle Chandra
Joelle Fleurantin
Meg Studer
Danqing Wang
Xinyi Deng
Ben Gullard
Seiya Kobayashi
Tan Ma
Kristina Budelis
Pamela Liou

Class 5 – Oct 6

Working with sensors one of the most important aspects is to understand their behavior and understand how to take advantage of their range. Do you need the full range for your application? Or are you specifically looking at certain thresholds in order for something to happen? For every project you will have to thoroughly analyze your sensor options in order to identify the one that fits best as well as really understand what action/input/energy change you are looking to interpret and pick up on so that you can tune your sensors to that.

Here are some examples of things you can do:

And here, for example, Craig Pickard very successfully interpreted the sensor and made it work for his application, before you copy and paste his work (giving him appropriate credit of course!) please spend some time understanding the thought process behind his decisions:

During break please take a moment to watch the videos linked while continuing to work on your midterm. If you feel comfortable enough with serial communication, check out the Node.js lab and video.

Class 6 – Oct 20th

If you get this error in Processing:

Error, disabling serialEvent() for

It’s not a bug in processing, it has to do with the asynchronous nature of serial (this is why it’s called “asynchronous serial”). You’ve got a serial buffer being added to by the Arduino, and being read by Processing, but not at the same time (asynchronously). The external device (Arduino) and the internal program (processing) are not aware of each other, so they don’t know when the other one is accessing the buffer, or what’s in there.

Furthermore, what’s unread in the buffer remains in there when your program releases it. So, for example, if you quit Processing and there’s still some bytes left in the buffer, they’ll be the first thing read the next time you start up. If the first character read happens to be a newline, and if your program generates serialEvent() on a newline, then the string you read will be null, and you’ll get the error. That’s why Ross’ solution can help. It’s basically saying “make sure there’s nothing in the buffer before I start.”

There are other solutions. You could, for example, make sure the string you read is not null before you start acting on it, something like this:

void serialEvent() {
String input = myPort.readString();
if (myString != null) {
// do the rest of your stuff here

It’s also possible that the string you read contains some data, but not the whole sentence you’re looking for. For example, if you were looking for three numbers in the buffer like this: “345,212,345\n” and what remains in the buffer from the last time you read the program had only two values, then you’ll get an error if you split the string and try to read three values. That’s why this solution helps:

String[] values = split(inputString, “,”);
if (values.length > 2) {
// now you can read all three items in the string

The bottom line is that because asynchronous serial is asynchronous, you always need to check that what’s there is what you think. The most common three tools for doing that are:
* clear the buffer before you start reading
* use a handshaking method so there’s only one set of readings when you read
* make sure the string you read is the length you think it is before you read its elements

A really bullet-proof program does all three of these things.