Archive for April, 2007

This device is for you.

This is the distribution of a physical experience, an invitation to perform, a call for pen pals, a series of love letters sent out to the world. This is an exercise in supposing and imagining. This is something I made with my hands and soon you might find it in your mailbox. This device is for you.

I am designing and distributing a new line of hand-made communication devices whose form and function examine the subtle ways we relate to ourselves and to others. The result is a cross-referenced video archive that captures their transformation and interpretation in a variety of locations and situations around the world. ...CONTINUE READING »

Mouth Piano

The Mouth Piano is an adaptive musical interface that allows users with limited hand and/or feet usage to express themselves via music while providing physical therapy for their oral motor mechanism (tongue, lips, teeth, and cheeks).

The Mouth Piano was created to accomplish two central goals: to open more doors for musical expression and to provide a fun and interactive physical therapy experience. We created the Mouth Piano for a patient at the Elizabeth Seton Pediatric Center whose cerebral palsy renders his hands ineffective for...CONTINUE READING »

future TV 2

You can add information to your favorite programs or videos.
You can also contact the information easily!

Info-TV 2
-web based application
-users can easily reach information that they want to know in TV programs or videos
-users can also add information to their videos. information data are increasing automatically. ...CONTINUE READING »
Sunday, April 29th, 2007
,Internship,Kenichi Moriwaki,Projects,Spring Show 2007 | Comments Off on future TV 2

SHELLHOUSE – [ living portable ]

Collapsible cardboard shelter that provides of an address to homeless persons, by using radio devices.

Having an address is how we exist on society,
how we become citizens, where we can be located, where we receive our mail, where our family and friends can contact us.

A house is where we validate this existence,
a shelter that gives us protection, our intimate space.


ShiftSpace is an open-source transparent layer above any website, it provides a platform for (web) site-specific social software applications.

ShiftSpace provides a transparent social layer above any website. It is an Open Source (and free software) platform that enables users to comment, add to, and modify websites to create a truly public
online space. ShiftSpace allows artists, developers, poets, activists and others to freely meet, play, create art, debate...CONTINUE READING »

Spurious Memories

I am researching the concept of creativity and experimenting with creative electronic architectures inspired by the human brain.

I am defining creativity as \"the generation of an output which is not explicitly learned\". This is a medium independent defintion, allowing a conversation about the relationship between human and non-human creativity to commence.
My thesis draws on two key assumptions:
1. Human creativity is an emergent property of the...CONTINUE READING »

Solar Time

Solar time visualizes the potential of solar energy available in relation to daily electricity consumption.

Currently, ITP owns one 80 watt solar panel located on the roof of the Tisch building. Solar Time logs the amount of solar energy converted to electricity and utilizes a physical display to presents accumulated readings of the solar energy adjacent to a reading of power consumption locally (specifically the...CONTINUE READING »

Ambient TV

Ambient TV - bringing Web 2.0 elements to traditional media

Television as a medium is growing and changing at a rapid pace these days. Never before have we been presented with so many choices. Digital cable has allowed for more channels in the same space and the Internet is increasing the video content available exponentially. What is...CONTINUE READING »

The Zipwire

The Zipwire consolidates common methods of online communication into one efficient standard.

Email might be the most popular application on the internet, but it is an aging standard that has serious flaws. It\'s time to take a look at email\'s strengths and weaknesses, as well as borrow from the strengths of IM, wiki, and web forums, and forge a new...CONTINUE READING »

Capture the Corporation

Shoot a corporation - get a non-corporate message on your phone.

Like cell phones, Corporate logos are ubiquitous in nature both in the urban environment and our virtual ether. To promote dialogue, users are encouraged to take pictures of these corporate logos and receive information and opinions of these corporations.

The images will be collected and displayed online. The collected...CONTINUE READING »
Friday, April 27th, 2007
Greenfield, Adam / Slavin, Kevin,Jaki Levy,Projects,Spring Show 2007,Urban Computing | Comments Off on Capture the Corporation