Michael Chladil
Shinyoung Park


Dust is your companion who always stays with you


Dust is a personalized companion that you can attach to your clothes. It gives you comfort and relaxation when you are depressed or tired. It also randomly snores, vibrates and farts.

Twenty- to thirty-somethings who experience loneliness, anxiety, or stress
during the course of the day.

The user wears dust on one\'s shoulder or chest. When it is peted, it randomly makes noise or vibrates. It whispers \"it\'s ok.\" when the user pets dust longer than 5 seconds as an expression of depression or tiredness.

The body of the prototype Dust digital companion has been sculpted out of
polymer clay. A vibrating motor, LEDs, and a speaker give Dust the ability
to communicate with the wearer. Dust senses the touch of the wearer by way
of a QProx capactive sensor. Dust\'s brain is an Arduino-programmed
microcontroller which speaks through a hacked Coby MP3 player. The control
and playback circuitry for the prototype is implemented in a wearable case
external to the Dust body

To be updated
